Using Sidemenu to redirect

Hi, how can I use sidemenu to redirect to another page, but sidemenu allways on top ?

Hi @ngchagas

The widgets will exist only on a page where they were initialized (Webix essentially is a UI library).

Depending on the desired architecture, you can share the sidemenu with one of the following oiptions

  • if you use are building SPA using some framework (Webix Jet - snippet, React, Angular, or anything else), place the menu on a same/higher level relative to the area where your pages/views can be dynamically changed;
  • if menu redirects to a completely independent page of your site, consider duplicating the menu there as well;
  • finally, you can use iframe to embed independent pages you want to switch from/to and use the sidemenu to control it. However, perhaps this solution could bring some drawbacks and complications related to accessing nested content through iframe (if required).

Regarding visibility of sidemenu on a single page:
Once shown, sidemenu stays visible unless the user clicks outside it or it is hidden via API: Code Snippet

The outside click will always hide the sidemenu (it can be considered as animated popup).
If you want your menu to render over the rest of the UI yet stay visible regardless user actions on a page, consider using a window instead of sidemenu (with the desired positioning settings): Code Snippet

By default, window is not animated, but you can add custom animation to it using the following guide: Animation in Webix UI

This solved my issue Snippet