I have a working example of what I want to do at http://webix.com/snippet/e76314fc, but when I copy the text widget definition to my webapp, using the library at https://cdn.webix.com/edge/webix.js the mask and other features don’t work. I’ve compared the library I’m using to the one my snippet would be using and saw that https://cdn.webix.com/site/webix.js is on version 3.4.5 and https://cdn.webix.com/edge/webix.js is on version 3.4.0, which is the version available for download. How can I get 3.4.5, and is the version mismatch intentional?
Formatted text inputs is a pro feature. Webix snippet tool uses Webix PRO to allow testing any component/feature, while CDN provides free Webix version.