webix datatable, list + ODATA .NET WebApi ??

How can I use ODATA .NET WebApi service with webix datatable/list/?
I need to:

  • remote sorting
  • remote filter
  • remote paging

url examples:
Northwind/Northwind.svc/Customers?$filter=length(CompanyName) eq 19

ODATA conventions:

There is no built-in solution.

Webix provides the way to define data proxy, that can be used to adapt request and response parameters to Odata protocol.

Thank your, Maksim
Where I can see any sample or API reference

Now I have no idea how to do it, using webix Grid or List url
For example,

  • how to load 1-st page into grid?
  • how to sort?
  • how to filter?

So, I need to attach event “OnColumnOrder”, “OnCloumnFilter”, and so on, build url manually and load data using grid.parse()??

Its seems very very hard solution ((


There are two ways

  • you can intercept events of component ( onBeforeFilter, onBeforeSort, onDataRequest, etc. )


  • you can create a custom proxy, in such case component will work as normally, but will route all data loading requests through proxy object, where you can do your own calls.

Yees! Many thanks!

What is about plans for implementation of the ODATA proxy?
May we contact?

We are working on this project, but it is not in the primary focus, so it is still not ready. I think we will have some solution till the end of the month.