Webix DataTable Loading 10000 Rows

I modified webix angular sample (http://docs.webix.com/samples/33_angular/02_grid.html) so that “AddRecord” button will add 10000 rows. This is what going to happen in my practical application, we get trades throughout the day and at the end of the day trades count goes to around 8000-10000.
Here is what I want .

  1. Limit the height of the grid say 600px so that only some rows are visible not all 10000
  2. What to have lazy loading effect (Like in this sample http://docs.webix.com/samples/15_datatable/16_dyn_loading/04_db_dyn_loadahead.html)
  3. Now if I update these rows from timer only visible rows needs to update to have better performance.
    I am expecting virtualization feature for the data table. Is that something possible?

(1) You can use maxHeight property on the datatable control

(2) If the original dataset has total_count property it will enable dynamic loading automatically

var data = {
  data:[ /*first 100 data objects here*/ ]

When you scroll to not loaded rows, component will do new request to the server side automatically.

(3) DataTable always repaints the visible rows only