I am using select Filter to filter record. I have grade set let be starting form [a-z] alphabet as my grade set. But my column have only grade a and b as the selected grade. But the select filter show all the grade set [a-z] opss that is wrong!!
Requested you to solve my problem.
Could you please share a snippet with the incorrect filter work?
I am not able to explain question properly. Let me try one more time.
I have editor type combo and selectFilter.
in selectFilter data get loaded by following code.
var data;
if (value.options)
data = value.options;
data = master.collectValues(value.columnId);
data is the collectionVlaue. ie in selectFilter [a-z]
When The grid load column cells have few value out of the collection. [user have only selected a, b, c from the combo rest of them are not selected at the time.]
Hence our Filter have all the value where it should logically suppose to have only value that are selected in column cells.
when user select value in empty cell out of one of the value from combo at that time that value dynamically get added into the filter till that time it should not be present in the filter as it is not get selected by user.
in following case only a and b should be inside the filter!
I can confirm the issue.
Currently select filter shows all possible records instead of only actual one. That may be a problem if you have a huge list of possible options.
Will be resolved in Webix 2.2
when is webix 2.2 get release?
I have logic to resolve this issue which is relevant to my requirement.
can you tell me on which event I suppose to hook up data in select Filter?
We are releasing Webix 2.1 in next two days, so 2.2 will be available till the end of the year.