Hi !
I probably missed something in webix-jet routing : how to handle multiviews navigation in a webix-jet app ?
I can’t achieve this simple use case (click on a sidebar item should show the good page in the right part of the screen)
Thank you !
Note: it works if i use $$(‘mymultiview’).setValue(…), but i’m loosing webix-jet routing.
Good day @franck34 ,
Have a look at the example : Code Snippet .
Here is used a Jet Menu Plugin. It allows to use a menu (or another widget as a menu) and set subview URLs for its options.
Thank you @MariyaDemy, but it doesn’t help.
I really want to use a multiview (because HTML elements are not removed from the DOM when switching view).
Is it possible ?
I’ve posted some details of what i need to achieve here
Ok !
As usual, when you want to make a piece of code to get help, you found the solution yourself.
I definitely love webix