Webix Jet call subfolder view

I want to separate js file in view into different subfolder(module), how can I call order/connection from v.js is a top view
I try to call http://localhost/projectname/#!/v/order/connection it doesn’t work

    │   login.js
    │   start.js
    │   v.js 
    │       connection.js
    │       prodtype.js
    │       size.js

  {id: "pc", icon: "file-text-o", value: "Order", data: [
                {id: "connection", value: "Connection", href: "#!/v/order/connection"}

// app.show("/v/order/" + selection.id);

Thanks any help.


You need to pass the ‘’/v/order.connection" in the app.show() method to access a file in a sub folder.

Url parts separated by slash (/) point to a file or module and the app tries to load it.

You can check the concept in the related demo on Github: GitHub - webix-hub/jet-demos at 15_subfolders

Thanks Helga.