webix jet onurlchnage empty url

I try implement sidemenu in my app. I need urlchange handler in top-view, but url array is empty. I try it in demo app and have similiar behavior.

This is also manifested in non top view.
$onurlchange: function(config, url, $scope){

PS /#!/sidemenu/BusEditor/test url have one item test

The url parameter contains information about additional parts of the url that does not correspond to related subviews.

If the link is /jet-demos/#!/top/data:id=3/form/info/test and you have top.js, data.js and form.js files (as in the sample), so url will be as follows:

[ {page:“info”, params[]}, { page:“test”, params:[] } ]

As you can see, these “page” url parts can also have their own parameters, like /info:id=5/.

Basically, the main idea that URL contain only part of URL from the current view. The parent segments are not available.