webix jet URL ROuter

how to implement webix jet with URL router, and calling views from source/views directory. not inline in html file.

or how to modification webix admin demo with URL router method not hashtag.

Check jet-demos/sources/routers-url.js at master · webix-hub/jet-demos · GitHub

You need to

  • specify router as UrlRouter in app’s config
  • if app is hosted in some folder, provide routerPrevix value
  • configure http redirects so that requests to all urls must trigger the app’s html file ( in the demo project it is done through webpack config - https://github.com/webix-hub/jet-demos/blob/master/webpack.config.js#L40 ) In the production app it can be done through apache/nginx configuration.

Also, be sure to use latest version of webix-jet

and calling views from source/views directory. not inline in html file

just remove “views” parameter from the app’s initialization code and app will load views from “sources/views” folder ( it can be remapped in webpack’s configuration )

ok thankyou @maksim, check it out.