Webix License

We have purchased the webix license. Can you please guide me how to use that license to get rid of the expiration warning popup on the web page ?.

Hello @gnaniyar ,
First of all, you will need to register a developer in your Webix Client Area (under the Users section). After that, you will need to get the npm access by running the following command:

npm login --registry=http://npm.webix.com --scope=@xbs

If everything has been done correctly, you should now be able to install the packages according to your license. To install the Webix PRO package, use the following command:

npm i @xbs/webix-pro

The whole process for the correct installation is also described in the related chapter of our documentation.

If you were originally following the correct steps for the installation of the PRO package and are still receiving the message that you’ve got the GPL version installed, I recommend trying to clear out your browser cache first.