webix not parsing inside directive

I have got

<div ng-controller="addRecipientsController">

and webix is not parsing the directive. Directive and controllers constructors are being hit, however addRecipientsWindowReady() is not. How do I need to combine the controller and both add-recipients-window and webix-ui directives?

<div webix-ui view="window" id="addRecipientsWindow" position="center" 
modal="true" height="700" width="900" move="true" 
<div view="head">
    <div view="toolbar" stack="cols" margin="-4">
        <div view="label" id="addRecipientsWindowTitleLabel" label="{{'AddRecipients'|translate}}"></div>
        <div view="icon" id="addRecipientsWindowCloseIcon" icon="times-circle" click="hideAddRecipientsWindow()"></div>
<div view="body">
<div view="tabview" id="addRecipientsTabs" height="800px" autowidth="true">
<config name="tabbar">
    <config name="on" onaftertabclick="addRecipientsTabClicked()"></config>

tabview headers


Just to clarify - the above html code snippet corresponds to the aforementioned directive’s template - addRecipientsPopup.html

The directive definition is as follows:

(function () {
    'use strict';

//use: <add-recipients-window></add-recipients-window>

    function addRecipientsWindow() {
        return {
            restrict: 'E',
            scope: false,
            replace: false,
            templateUrl: 'js/notificaciones/addRecipients/addRecipientsPopup.html'

this is resolved - chrome caching issue (would not empty the cache?), nothing wrong with the webix-angular integration, now working as expected.