Webix scheduler exception

Hello, I have found a bug regarding accessibility of the scheduler

  1. Go to http://docs.webix.com/samples/62_scheduler/04_customization/02_templates.html
  2. Select a day, press tab several times to focus on the first event
  3. Use the arrow keys, to navigate between different events
  4. The focus does not move, instead an exception is thrown:

raven.js:271 Uncaught TypeError: 33 is not a function
at Array.find (native)
at webix.DataStore.getIndexById (http://cdn.webix.com/site/webix.js?v=4.1.0:7:166076)
at o.getIndexById (http://cdn.webix.com/site/webix.js?v=4.1.0:7:168113)
at o.moveSelection (http://cdn.webix.com/site/webix.js?v=4.1.0:7:217919)
at Object.handler (http://cdn.webix.com/site/webix.js?v=4.1.0:7:217108)
at Object.Db (http://cdn.webix.com/site/webix.js?v=4.1.0:7:55161)
at Object.Bb (http://cdn.webix.com/site/webix.js?v=4.1.0:7:54947)
at Object.qb (http://cdn.webix.com/site/webix.js?v=4.1.0:7:53400)
at HTMLDocument. (http://cdn.webix.com/site/webix.js?v=4.1.0:7:2118)
at HTMLDocument.c (https://cdn.ravenjs.com/2.1.0/raven.min.js:2:3899)

Any idea for this please?

It is a blocker for using the scheduler component with arrows if it’s throwing that exception.


I can confirm the buggy behaviour. Key navigation was switched on by default on for all Webix data components in 4.0 version while Scheduler lists are not well suited to it.

We will revise the Scheduler and improve key navigation (or maybe swich it off, as it was earlier).

For now you can disable navigation for the day list as:

webix.ui({  view:"scheduler", id:"scheduler", ..}); 


Thanks for your response.

Can you please confirm this snippet is correct?
It appears it gives an typescript error not finding that function

“Error TS2339 Property ‘define’ does not exist on type ‘WebixView’.”

Please, check the related snippet: http://webix.com/snippet/4704c400