webix table combo is not showing the selected value of combo.

I have a combo into webix datatable.I assign JSON object to combo option.It will display the data into combo,But when I select vale from combo then it is not selected. Here is my snippet.


Please help me.I am waiting for webix team reply

Templates won’t help in such case. Template is just a visualization method, while select editor works with options’ IDs.

ID is necessary for data editing. If you use some external options, the ID of the option will be set as a value of the corresponding attribute.

First of all, if the initial value of the attribute doesn’t match with the id of any option, it won’t be shown without a specific template:

columns: [{ 
        id: "Assignee", 
          return obj.Assignee

But, as I mentioned, for proper data editing you still need the ID for your options. If you can’t change the original options such way, you can apply a custom datatype to them. Please check the following snippet:


If you load the options from some url, a custom proxy can be used for the same purpose.

Thanks Listopad

Hi @Listopad,
How can we achieve above same using ajax ?