In data table scroll using mouse wheel. After stop wheeling the hover effect is not shown for the current row (mouse pointed row). If I move the mouse then only it’s shown background color.
Please help us.
I am terribly sorry for the delay in responding. Unfortunately, we are experiencing a high number of support inquiries.
This is the expected behavior. The fact is that the scroll is a separate event, to which the hover is not attached at all. The hover logic is tied to a private API, so the only option is to call onMouseMoving on the datatable, passing there either an event or a cell-row node. But the main problem is that onScrollY and onAfterScroll don’t receive any arguments.
So, as a solution, you can use the elementFromPoint method, and store coordinates on onMouseMoving event.
Please take a look at the snippet:
Best regards,
Anna Zankevich
Technical Support Specialist