Hullo I have failed to get the id of the task of the kanban list that is being removed. Iam using the loading and saving sample of kanban. but it seems that iam getting funny id of the task of kanban… this 1492886607381 instead of the id = 1.
{“task_id”:1,“text”:“going for winter”,“details”:“this tyme iam going for winter instead”,“status”:“ready”,“personId”:12},
i have tried using this statement but just gives me a random funny value
var id = $$(“myBoard”).getSelectedId();
maybe to simplify how do I capture the value of the id… because I can only access the personId of the task not the id of the task
title:“The Godfather”,
In any Webix component that stores the data, id
is a required attribute for the data item. task_id
or any other attribute won’t be considered as ID by default. In such case, you’ll get the automatically generated unique (within the session) ID.
The following snippet shows the related events: