App Version Cache


The worst thing I couldn’t get rid of is, it always come up with older version of my application for all the views.

I tried putting webix.js?v=timestamp

I tried changing build variable to timestamp in gulpfile.js

But nothing works. Can you please let me know if there is something I can get rid of this situation?

If anybody here can help me on this please?

@maksim ?

Are you using app cache manifest for offline usage? From my experience, it is not very reliable. Changing anything in the manifest file must force loading a new version of file, but it doesn’t work always ( at least in my case )

If you want to have a stable offline app, you can check Service Worker, which can be used to control caching in more configurable way.

On side note, if you have problems with caching in webix jet based apps, you can disable caching for dev. time

Hi Maksim.

Is there any webix support for using service worker? And Do you have some example using this?

Thank you very much


There is no any special support
The service worker do its job on a level below, so Webix need not be aware of its existence.

The default service implementation works with Webix based code