Compared to other UI widget libraries, Webix is very, very little known, despite the widgets being really powerful, and despite a very compelling demo at So why is that? Why does Webix have only 12 stars on GitHub and only 9 questions on StackOverflow, two of which are mine? Why are there no articles in “reliable sources”, as Wikipedia calls them, about Webix, so that the Wikipedia article is in danger of being deleted as not notable enough?
Here are some ideas to improve this situation:
- Spell-check the entire site, and fix all the dead links. The situation is pretty embarrassing now - during the past workday, I’ve filed on GitHub over 10 issues regarding documentation errors.
- Once that’s done, hire an editor fluent in English and software development (sites like are great to find editors), and have that person go through the documentation and make it professional. Documentation matters. Kendo has excellent documentation.
- This forum is nice, but it’s a very isolated community. Direct instead users to ask Webix questions on StackOverflow, a place that will expose Webix to a lot more front-end developers. Keep the forum only for general discussions that would be too unspecific for StackOverflow.
- Answer questions on StackOverflow, Reddit, Quora etc. about UI widget libraries, and point to Webix, explaining why, along with details (I’ve seen Quora answers promoting Webix, and some of those were rather empty promotional answers). It’s sad that people still wonder “Is Twitter’s Bootstrap the only thought out/complete front end UI library?”. But Bootstrap got marketing right.
- Help me integrate Webix with Meteor.js. Meteor is the most popular full-stack JavaScript framework on GitHub (over 21,000 stars), but it doesn’t have a widgets set. Integrating Webix with Meteor will bring a lot of exposure to the library. (By the way, Meteor.js directs their users to ask questions on StackOverflow, which has helped the popularity of the framework.)
I’m writing this because I work at Google and I’m evaluating Webix for use in an open-source project sponsored by Google. I would love to be able to recommend Webix whole-heartedly.